Chris Bunyi

Chris Bunyi

Chris Bunyi is a graduate of UC Irvine’s Claire Trevor School of the Arts and an Aries. He likes long walks on the beach and performing monthly with his improv group “Room to Improv.”

Since graduating, Chris has been focusing on pursuing a career in film and comedy. If it’s not obvious from this bio by this point, he has yet to make any progress in either. He is a student of the Upright Citizen’s Brigade in Hollywood where he hopes to eventually join one of the house improv teams and help increase the diversity of the improv scene.

Chris has been performing in the Southern California area for the past 10 years in various shows and projects. Some of his favorite roles include Captain in Dames at Sea, Bobby Beausoleil in Manson’s Girls, and Danny Zuko in Alien Vs. Musical. That last one threw you off, didn’t it? Look it up. You won’t be sorry.

To stay up to date with Chris’ future projects, visit his website If Chris properly followed his time frame, it should finally be up and running. Then again, he has been known to be wrong.

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