

We’re an entertainment company serving the Southern California arts communities. We help artists do what they love most: make art!

Let us remove any obstacles standing between you and the story you want to tell!

Here's a taste of what we've done:

Community Recognized

Our productions have garnered critical acclaim from StageScene LA and the fundraising public of Orange County. We’re dedicated to creating work that our artists will take pride in.

See the reviews!

We Are Unstoppable

For too long we’ve been told to ask for permission before we can be great. We’re leaping over all obstacles and taking a stand to be strikingly independent. The world will take notice.

Follow us to success!

Learning Environment

We can’t think of a better place to apply our craft than into a full creative work. We’re educating and improving ourselves every day so we can make our mark and develop the stars of tomorrow.


Make art with us!


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